Saturday, December 01, 2007

The Babcock Ranch

The Babcock Ranch is an extensive area. The Babcock family made its money in lumber in Pennsylvania, and have been in this area of Florida for over 100 years. They raise calves for sale to cattle ranchers in other parts of the country. They have a very large sod farm. The sod is sold mainly to golf courses.

The tour of the ranch took us past grazing cattle and these wild hogs. When they hear the bus coming, they know they will get a treat. Today it is corn and some green beans.

There are many different kinds of birds. Here is a Great Blue Heron. I can't remember what the small black bird in the center is.

Another of the friendly residents of Babcock Ranch is Betsy. She is also used to a treat when the tour bus comes by. Betsy stuck he head into the bus and with her very large horns began to knock a few things around.

This is a Florida panther. Within the enclosure is a male and a female, this is the male. With a serious loss of habitat, the panther is considered to be endangered.


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