Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Bath Abbey, an excellent example of medieval architecture with bell tower and flying buttresses.

Sally Lunn House is famous for Sally Lunn Buns. A bread baked in a large muffin tin instead of a loaf pan, and an excellent restaurant.

Who Will Buy...? If it looks familar, it should. It is the Royal Crescent, and was the residence of Oliver's grandfather in the musical of the same name. The town homes are mostly a door and 2 windows wide. However, the interiors of the homes are all different.

Bath, like Chester and London and many other Brittish cities and towns, was built by the Romans nearly 2000 years ago as a military outpost. All the cities were walled and many walls still remain. Here is one of the original Roman gates to Bath were military personnel or visitors would enter the city.


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